
This is an alternative Arbor frontend created by Alex C-J (Year 12). Its primary features are:

It does not access information other than your timetable. The only implemented routes are get_new_token, get_student_info for the purpose of getting your user ID (required to pull the timetable), retrieve_lesson_array to get the lesson IDs in a month, and resolve_lesson_content to fetch information about those lessons.

In order to work you need to login with your Arbor username and password below. It is recommended that you change your arbor password to be different to your school password before doing so at the my account page. The credentials will be stored securely, and only the timetable will be accessed. This will create your account, which also uses the Arbor username and password.

Why trust me?

I created the timetable system in 2021 so that I could embed my timetable on my laptop and phone home screen.

Since then it has gone through two rewrites. The first improved stability and added an internal API that is used by my homework bot. That had 9 users. The second created this system.

This version has a "State layer" that is used to store the lessons, disconnected from users. It's updated based on distributing request load between users. My incentive for sharing it is that the larger the state layer, the more interesting things I can do with it: At some point I'd like to make something to help you find what teachers are free to talk to in a private study.

I made this version so overkill to learn web development in Rust, and to have a break from my compsci project. Due to time constraints it's a bit underdeveloped, but still has more than the last version.

Why isn't it open-source?

I don't fancy the idea of Arbor finding my code and causing problems. The API is cursed enough as it is. I'll open-source it when I leave school. If you want access, just ask me. Discord: IHave#7106


Thanks to Jake Dowling for reverse-engineering the weeks view of the API, including getting user ID and resolving information. His typescript implementation made this a lot easier.

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